Whitefurze Prepare To Welcome Lord-Lieutenant
Whitefurze has grown from selling a small range of plastic consumer products to a successful and dynamic business with comprehensive ranges covering Food Storage, Food Prep, Gardening, General Storage, Housewares and Pet. Serving both independent and national accounts since our opening in 1978 to showcasing outstanding growth in export markets over the past 3 - year period, now exporting to 24 countries worldwide.
As winners we will head to Buckingham Palace for a reception this summer, hosted by the Royal Family to mark our achievements.
The Lord-Lieutenant will visit us in September for a tour of our headquarters 160,000sqft warehouse and extensive showroom, which is one of 3 locations in the local area, ahead of presenting Whitefurze with the prestigious Grant of Appointment and commemorative crystal trophy.
Our owner and managing director Philip Lanni commented: 'Whilst this has been a very challenging time for all trading companies Whitefurze have continued to service our customer base both old and new. We are therefore delighted to win this award which recognises both our employees, customers and suppliers without whom this success would not have been possible.